Synonym: PR. Similar words: publication, international relations, relationship, foreign relations, relation, correlation, in relation to, public opinion. Meaning: n. a promotion intended to create goodwill for a person or institution.
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91 The union leaders appear to be building public support for their cause, with clever use of symbolic gestures and public relations.
92 For Public Relations there must be two elements in the package, creativity and originality.
93 But with the help of a hired public relations man,( he argues that he kept Justice sufficiently informed -- through Holder.
94 Therefore, to some degree any public relations proposal for any potential client is out of date as soon as it is written.
95 The Support Force was launched in September 1992 by the DoH in a disastrous public relations exercise.
96 Examiner contributor Nancy Fox is a public relations consultant, educator and composer.
97 It was not mere public relations, but a paper with near-mystical historical antecedents.
98 Mr Lang was accused of merely carrying out a public relations exercise, however.
99 Cutting visible waste would help public relations, but the key thing would be the publication of milestones for measured withdrawal.
100 Messer admits that clear-cutting forests is bad for public relations.
101 Thus the Sizewell inquiry is little more than an expensive public relations exercise.
102 Instead of a warm and fuzzy public relations tour during campaign season[], she now faces endless questions about supposed hanky-panky.
103 Senior positions considered suitable tend to be in the hotel industry in public relations, personnel, training and front of house.
104 The public relations practitioner has to conduct activities which concern every public with which the organisation has contact.
105 Good public relations operators are not all mouth; they are also very good ears.
106 Instead, we can expect companies to increase the size of the public relations screen used to hide what is going on.
107 Likewise, public relations may use advertising to support or spearhead a publicity programme to reinforce messages.
108 The effort to bring poor kids to Harvard on scholarship, however welcome, is a public relations campaign.
109 The range of environmental services on offer is seemingly endless - from environmental auditing to public relations.
110 Newcastle manager Kevin Keegan looked upon the tournament as a public relations exercise rather than a moneymaking venture.
111 By virtue of its high profile, Magellan created a public relations nightmare for Fidelity.
112 Specialists such as those in public and corporate affairs or financial public relations can expect even higher salaries.
113 Hopefully in the future it will become standard public relations practice to use research to measure the results or achievements of campaigns.
114 In doing this, public relations creates confidence in a company's management and its products, which builds credibility.
115 The recent announcement that the National Gallery intend to establish a public relations department may improve the situation.
116 But I am less sure whether the bigger houses, with their established markets, benefit other than in terms of public relations.
117 It provides a high profile and public relations for the city.
118 It was an inspired piece of public relations, though more motivated by sheer pride and genuine gratification than any other motive.
119 Priorities concern improved membership services, relationships with other bodies, public relations, Hospitality magazine and staff training.
120 It is true that public relations contrives news and events and gets photographs in newspapers which are really just promotional efforts.
More similar words: publication, international relations, relationship, foreign relations, relation, correlation, in relation to, public opinion, public opinion poll, public policy, public, republic, publicly, in public, sublimation, elation, publicize, publicise, publicity, Republican, relaxation, public good, public debt, public toilet, public works, public office, revelation, public sector, republicanism, in the public eye.